meta peg-out endpoint

  • Location: xlink/packages/contracts/bridge-stacks/contracts/meta-peg-out-endpoint-v2-04

This technical document provides a detailed overview of the contract responsible for facilitating the peg-out process of tokens from the Stacks network to the burn chain. The target token standard is BRC-20, a protocol on Bitcoin's metaprotocol layer that supports fungible assets, inspired by Ethereum's ERC-20 standard.

Unlike the meta-peg-in contract, the meta-peg-out feature is specifically designed to support the bridging-out process. This is achieved through a series of public functions, each intended to execute sequentially, while incorporating grace periods between their execution. In the following sections, we will explore these functions in detail.






This data variable serves as a flag to control the operational status of the contract. When set to true, all peg-out transactions are blocked. By default, the contract is deployed in paused mode. Refer to the pause governance feature to know more on how to change this status.





This variable represents the address to which fees are paid. In this contract, there are two categories of fees: peg-out fees and gas fees. The first ones are charged in the same token being bridged, while gas fees are handled using the Bridged BTC token. For more details on these transactions, refer to the finalize peg-out feature. By default, the address assigned to receive these fees is the one used to deployed the contract.

Relevant constants



This constant specifies the block height of the underlying burn chain at the time the contract was deployed. It is utilized to ensure that operations within the finalize-peg-out function are limited to transactions minted from this block onward.


The peg-out is a multi-step process comprising several phases to ensure secure and orderly transactions. The process begins with a peg-out request to initiate the transfer of tokens out of the Stacks network. Configured grace periods then allow users to either revoke their request or claim it. Once a peg-out request is claimed, the final step is to finalize the peg-out, executing the transfer and updating the relevant records. Each of these steps is implemented through dedicated contract functions, which are explained in detail below.


(in contract meta-peg-out-endpoint-v2-04)

In this first step, the tx-sender requests a peg-out a specified amount of previously bridged tokens. Upon initiation, the net amount along with fee costs are escrowed by transferring the token and the gas fee token (token-abtc) to the contract, where they remain until the operation is either finalized or revoked.

To proceed, several validations must be met:

  • The pair (token + chain-id) must be approved in the meta registry, meaning it is recognized as eligible for bridging operations.

  • The specified amount must exceed the peg-out operation fee for that particular token.

  • The token peg-out operation must be active in the registry (not paused).

Once these validations are met, the operation is registered in the meta registry via the contract meta-bridge-registry-v2-03. The function then generates a unique identifier, known as the request-id, ensuring traceability and reference for future operations.


(amount uint)
(peg-out-address (buff 128))
(token-trait <ft-trait>)
(the-chain-id uint)


(in contract meta-peg-out-endpoint-v2-04)

A next potential step is to claim the request previously issued. This step is critical, as it marks the request as ready for finalization. This action is executed by calling the function with the id of the request, along with the fulfilled-by parameter, which designates the address responsible for executing the bitcoin operation.

The claim must satisfy the following validations:

  • The request must exist.

  • The token pair must be approved and operational (not paused for peg-out).

  • The request must not be revoked, finalized, or previously claimed.

Once these conditions are met, the final step is to register the claim in the meta registry. This registration includes the claimer, the fulfilled-by address and the calculated grace period, during which the claimed request will be eligible for finalization.


(request-id uint)
(fulfilled-by (buff 128))


(in contract meta-peg-out-endpoint-v2-04)

Finalizing a peg-out is the final step in committing the process. This function takes in the burn chain (Bitcoin) transaction that corresponds to the Stacks layer operation and executes the peg-out request along with all related token transfers and their corresponding fees. The finalization can be performed by either a peg-in address or a third-party address.

Key validations include:

  • The request must exist.

  • The token pair must be approved and operational (not paused for peg-out).

  • The transaction cannot be indexed to a time before the deployment of the contract.

  • The transaction's metaprotocol token (BRC-20) must match the requested details, including the tick (a unique identifier for the token) and the amount (the quantity of the token involved in the transaction). Additionally, the from address must correspond to the fulfilled-by address, and the to address must match the peg-out-address.

  • The request must not be revoked or already finalized.

The procedure is as follows, based on who finalizes it:

  1. Peg-In Address

    • The net amount of tokens requested for the peg-out operation is burned from the contract balance, affecting the overall total supply.

    • The peg-out fee and gas fees are paid to the configured address.

  2. Third-Party Address

    • The net amount of tokens requested for the peg-out operation and the gas fee are transferred from the contract to the claimer, so the overall involved token supply remains unaffected.

    • The peg-out fee is transferred from the contract to the configured address.

This operation involves indexing the specified transaction through the oracle-v2-01 contract and marking the request as "finalized" in the meta-bridge-registry-v2-03 contract.


(request-id uint)
(tx {
      bitcoin-tx: (buff 32768),
      output: uint,
      tick: (string-utf8 256),
      amt: uint,
      from: (buff 128),
      to: (buff 128),
      from-bal: uint,
      to-bal: uint,
      decimals: uint
(block { header: (buff 80), height: uint })
(proof { tx-index: uint, hashes: (list 14 (buff 32)), tree-depth: uint })
(signature-packs (list 10 { signer: principal, tx-hash: (buff 32), signature: (buff 65) }))
(token-trait <ft-trait>)


(in contract meta-peg-out-endpoint-v2-04)

In certain scenarios, a requested peg-out may need to be revoked, allowing users to retract it if necessary.

Key validations include:

  • The request must be revoked within the grace period before it expires.

  • The request must not have been claimed, finalized, or previously revoked.

If these conditions are met, the process continues by returning the tokens initially escrowed for the request, including both the peg-in tokens and the associated fees. These returns are made from the contract directly back to the requester. Finally, the meta-bridge-registry-v2-03 contract is invoked to mark this request as revoked.


(request-id uint)
(token-trait <ft-trait>)

Supporting features

The following functions are tools to assist the off-chain activities.

  1. Validation helpers (validate-peg-out).

  2. Token pair helpers (get-pair-details-many).

Governance features


This standard protocol function checks whether a caller (tx-sender) is the DAO executor or an authorized extension, delegating the extensions check to the executor-dao contract.


A read-only function that checks the operational status of the contract.


A public function, governed through the is-dao-or-extension, that can change the contract's operational status.


(new-paused bool)


This contract feature is designed to transfer its entire balance of a specified list of tokens to a new owner. Access to this feature is restricted by the is-dao-or-extension function.


(new-owner principal) (token-traits (list 10 <ft-trait>))


This contract feature allows for specifying the address to which peg-out fees (denominated in the relevant tokens) and gas fees (denominated in Bridged BTC tokens, known as token-abtc) will be transferred.


(new-fee-to-address principal)


  • get-fee-to-address

  • get-request

  • get-request-many

  • get-request-revoke-grace-period

  • get-request-claim-grace-period

  • get-request-or-fail

  • get-pair-details

  • get-pair-details-many

  • get-pair-details-or-fail

  • get-tick-to-pair-or-fail

  • get-peg-in-sent-or-default

Relevant internal functions

  • index-tx: this function validates and indexes a Bitcoin transaction in the oracle-v2-01 contract.

Contract calls (interactions)

  • executor-dao: calls are made to verify whether a certain contract-caller is designated as an extension.

  • meta-bridge-registry-v2-03: this interaction is primarily utilized by the peg-out contract to register request operations. Additionally, this contract is responsible for managing approved addresses. It provides functionality through its is-peg-in-address-approved and is-fulfill-address-approved functions, which verify whether specific addresses are authorized within the system.

  • oracle-v2-01: this contract is called to verify that a transaction was mined and to index Bitcoin transactions.

  • Tokens (token-trait): during the steps of peg-out operations, this trait is utilized to invoke the relevant tokens and execute the necessary transfers involved in the transaction. It is a customized adaptation of Stacks' standard definition for Fungible Tokens (sip-010), with additional support for 8-digit fixed-point notation.

  • token-abtc: this is the Bridged BTC token used throughout the peg-out contract to operate with native Stacks' SIP-010 token transactions involving the burn chain base-coin (BTC).


Error Name


(err u1000)


(err u1001)


(err u1002)


(err u1003)


(err u1004)


(err u1005)


(err u1006)


(err u1007)


(err u1008)


(err u1009)


(err u1010)


(err u1011)


(err u1012)


(err u1013)


(err u1014)


(err u1003)


(err u1015)

Last updated